The Misconceptions

Beauty with attitude & standards

Hey millennial,

Greetings for the day! 

Everyday we learn something, knowingly or unknowingly. Some things we learn by our own life experiences while the others are inherited from our culture and upbringing. In this process we also come across some beliefs & thoughts which are not really needed to believe but still blindly followed by us without verifying it. When we consider and start accepting such beliefs & thoughts in our daily life then the birth of misconceptions, stereotypes and judgmental behavior takes place in the mind.

So today let us make our life a bit easier and get free from all misconceptions.   

Here are the top 3 misconceptions that we need to get rid of immediately.  

❌Misconception 1 : First impression is the last impression.

Often we have heard this statement in our professional as well as personal life. We always tend to take note of our personality while giving job interviews, meeting colleagues, attending office meetings, at our first date, attending social functions etc. All we do is try to look better & perfect to some extent. But as a result these days our life has become more imaginary than real. The conflict arises when we also start keeping expectations of being with the best one rather than being with the right one. The reason for many of today's increasing breakups and divorce is the difference perceived in first impression & last impression. As per the famous saying "First impression does not stand true in real life as someone who seem sweet at first can be the biggest snakes and the ones who seem arrogant & rude can actually be the nicest person". All we need is to be real to everyone we meet. Why some of us have fear of getting judged for showing up our real self ? When you stay with the person for longer time, exchange thoughts with them, travel with them then you get better idea of who you are being actually with. Don't get too attach with the illusion of perfectness but now on get attach with people's honesty, imperfections, humanity and ultimately their real self. Give each person some time of knowing to some extent before actually getting into relationship with them whether it is in the form of friendship, partnership or marriage. BE REAL, BE YOU. 
❌Misconception 2 : We need friends to hangout and have fun.

The biggest misconception in millennial nowadays is waiting for someone's accompany to have fun. By depending upon someone we are also depending our happiness on them. We alone are enough. Loneliness is a blessing to have some time with our own self only. Spending time with friends is always a good idea but sometimes spending time with yourself would be a good idea too. Make a small change today. whenever you feel like going out, don't ask your friend to come with you but just plug your earphones in and you are good to go. Whenever you have cravings for your favorite food, get ready and take yourself on a date to the restaurant alone. Whenever you feel like travelling, pack your bag and travel solo. Things like dancing, reading a book and having your coffee, singing or it can be just sitting and doing nothing for sometime will also help you connect with yourself more & more. You will be feeling more independent. Your confidence and self esteem would increase in this process too. It's all about loving yourself. 

❌Misconception 3 : Everything is science.

As we know science is a study based on facts & truth. Then what about the things which are not based on any facts & truths but still works tremendously ? We call it magic. This world brought us nearer to magic everyday in many ways. Magic can be in the form of anything we feel or see around us like air, water, land, universe, sun, moon, nature, animals, birds and one of the most important magic is YOU. Just look at yourself in the mirror, aren't you an extraordinary magic ? How perfectly our senses work and give us the feeling of living in the presence. How our minds have done wonders so far in this world. Science is what explored by mankind but magic is what explored by God. Can you tell in the comment below who has came first, egg or hen or who has came first, child or parents ? If you are the one who has not got the satisfactory answer then probably you somewhat believe in magic too. Magic has no limits which also tells us that everything is possible if you think it is possible. Let's embrace the magic of positivity, determination, gratitude, hope and wisdom to make our life free from boundaries. 

Apart from these 3 misconception, there are a lot more misconceptions you must have experienced in your life. Misconception can be eliminated by just having consciousness of what is right and what is wrong. Let us know in the comments below the misconception you have faced & dealt with in your life.  

"Nothing is more dangerous for a new truth than an old misconception" 

Let the truth has your own voice. 

Good luck. 

                         ( To be continued )


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