The Misconceptions

Hey millennial, Greetings for the day! Everyday we learn something, knowingly or unknowingly. Some things we learn by our own life experiences while the others are inherited from our culture and upbringing. In this process we also come across some beliefs & thoughts which are not really needed to believe but still blindly followed by us without verifying it. When we consider and start accepting such beliefs & thoughts in our daily life then the birth of misconceptions, stereotypes and judgmental behavior takes place in the mind. So today let us make our life a bit easier and get free from all misconceptions. Here are the top 3 misconceptions that we need to get rid of immediately. ❌Misconception 1 : First impression is the last impression. Often we have heard this statement in our professional as well as personal life. We always tend to take note of our personality while giving job interviews, meeting colleagues, attending office meetings, at ...